Thursday, July 14, 2016

Farley Heads for the Pacific Coast, Day 2: Bugs, Booze and Bocce

This morning I startled awake at 5:15 a.m.  I'm glad I did.  I missed the most brilliant part of the sunrise while I was getting dressed, but I caught an amazing reflection of it in the clouds and water to the west.

I missed the best part of the sunrise, but not the best part of its reflection

We only had a few hours to drive today, so it was pretty leisurely.  We stopped just across the river in Umatilla, Oregon, at the Pacific Salmon Visitor Information Center.  Not a lot of activity this time of year; September is the biggest run up the fish ladder, but we did see a few from the underwater viewing area.

Watching salmon climb the fish ladder back upstream.

Changing into shorts as the day warmed up, Marc discovered he had a tick!

Our only other stop was the Maryhill Winery, back on the Washington side of the river farther west.  We did a tasting, then got a glass of rose and checked out a free set of bocce balls and ventured to the courts to play. With the rules posted on the wall, it was pretty easy to learn.  It was like we were back in college bowling again.  I won; just let's make sure that fact gets stated.

Wine-tasting at Maryhill Winery.

Marc's doppleganger was standing
beside him at the bar.  I can't believe how
much they looked alike, from their hair
and glasses all the way to their similar sandals.
Reaching back into my college years to
regain my bowling form for bocce in the vineyard.

Tonight we're staying at Haystack Reservoir about 45 minutes north of Bend.  It's a real, $12 pay campsite.

$12 gets you neighbors who are much less sketchy.


  1. What's happening with the transaxle repair? Are you back on the road yet (7/14)?

    1. No, we're here between a week and two weeks. Depends on which transmission they determine Farley has when they can get him up on the rack. One type they have in stock -- one week. The other, they have to rebuild his -- two weeks.

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