Sunday, October 30, 2016

Farley Goes to Moab and the Mighty Palouse, Day 2: Arch Hike, Mountain Bike

Across the street from our campground is the trailhead for what was formerly known as Negro Bill Canyon.  Now it's Grandstaff Canyon.  Regardless, Marc and I hiked up to what is the world's sixth largest arch.  It was an easier hike than I expected.  The arch is insane.  As were the folks rappelling from a wall nearby.  It was obviously a family and with a couple of guides.  I talked to the dad, who said he'd never rock-climbed before so, yes, beginners could do it.  They'd hiked in, rappelled one wall a short distance from this one, a little more hiking, then the second rappel, then they were going to hike out the same way Marc and I came in. I gotta check out the cost.  I work a ton in the next six weeks at the ambulance and might splurge if the price seems right.

Any hole in a rock wall with a couple of timber supports
is irresistible to mining man.

Morning Glory Arch, with
someone rappelling
in the background.

Then Marc and I headed to the Brands Trails area outside of town for a short afternoon ride.  We did one of my favorite Moab loops, Lazy-EZ.  It's the easy kind of trail where you won't get hurt on your first day and ruin the rest of your trip.  Then we did a second loop of more slick-rock type riding, O-Something. I describe it as the longest three miles in mountain biking. I was exhausted by the time we were done.  So we headed back to camp, made van quesadillas and salad, and sat around the fire drinking beer with Other Mark and Jo and getting to know our campground neighbors from Texas. Wayne and Cindy arrive tomorrow morning!

The Circle-O Trail. 
Way off in the distance is Arches National Park.

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