Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Farley Goes to Moab and the Mighty Palouse, Day 5: The Best Trail Ever, but Not the Best Day Riding It

Today Other Mark shuttled Wayne, Marc and me to the start of Mag 7, my favorite trail in Moab.  But sometimes, you just aren't feeling it and I didn't ride it very well.  I stopped and got off too many times without even trying the things that looked challenging to me.  Plus I got a flat. We finished the ride and then rode the eight miles back to town, which is mostly downhill but today was also into a headwind the whole way so it was still work even though I was exhausted.

Marc loves to have his
picture taken.  On Mag 7.
Me, at a moment of not being
a chicken-shit.
As we went toward the bridge over the Colorado River, here was a guy sitting there on a huge rock with what looked like some long poles or ropes.  I said, "Hey, whatcha got there?"  He said he had a slackline and if we waited a minute, he'd be getting on it.  So we waited and watched with amazement.  It was windy and looked especially challenging.

Dude slack-lining the Colorado River.

We biked on to the Moab Brewery where the tap beer is Utah-awful (Utahful?) but the house-made root beer is good.  As are the 25c wings on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  After eating to our stomachs' content, we loaded our bikes into Other Mark's truck and headed back to camp, where we celebrated with Halloween masks by the fire.  P.S.  No trick-or-treaters ... 

When you don't get trick-or-treaters,
you have to make your own fun.

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