Saturday, July 12, 2014

Farley Hits the Pac Northwest, Day 2

For starters, my apologies to the man who sauntered by our van at 6:45 a.m. and had to see me in my t-shirt and underwear. I just knew that was going to happen. NOTE:  Over dinner tonight, Marc asked his mom to make us a set of curtains for the front window.

Also this morning, one of the kind veterans giving out coffee at the rest area caught me on my way to the bathroom and asked how I liked my Eurovan. We got to talking because he has one, too, and it turns out he grew up in Helena, less than a mile from where we live. Such a small world.

Our route took us to central Washington, where we stopped at the scenic overlook of the Columbia River in Vantage. All day long I sang the "Roll on, Columbia" song that I learned in grade school in my head. Now you can, too:

Roll on, Columbia, roll on.

Central Washington selfie.

Wind turbines near Vantage,

We spent the majority of our day at Mt. Rainier. We drove to Sunrise and went for a five-mile hike to Frozen Lake and the Mt. Fremont fire lookout.

Passport stamp!

Mt. Rainier from Sunrise.

Frozen Lake.

Carpet of mountain flowers.

Mt. Fremont fire lookout,
our destination.

A freaky gust of wind came up and blew
Marc's hat 30 feet up into the scree.

Valley view from the firetower.

Requisite pic of Marc from behind.

Mountain goat along the trail.

On the way from there to Marc's parents, we drove through Enumclaw, Washington. Saw a road sign and learned it is the hometown of NASCAR's Kasey Kahne. These pix are for my brother, who loves him.

One of maybe five "celebrities" on Enumclaw's
walk of fame.

And probably the only one
with his own street.

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