Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Farley Visits Zion

Our biggest fear heading into Zion on Friday, May 30, was that Farley would overheat on the way back out. You enter the park at the top of the canyon and drive down into it to the visitors' center and hikes.  But Farley didn't let us down.

We hit the visitors' center (passport stamp!) and then took the bus to the Upper Emerald Pool trailhead.  The hike was more like being in a mall on the Saturday before school starts.  EVERYONE was there.  Nothing like home, where in five minutes we can be on a trail where we see no one.

View from Upper Emerald Pool trail.

More prickly pear cactus.  I should get a
bonus at work for these shots.

Upper Emerald Pool wasn't much to look at.
But the view skyward was.

More kindred spirits soaking up
the sun on a warm rock.

Rock cairns along the trail.
We left Zion without overheating and headed on toward Bryce, where we camped in the Red Canyon campground in the Dixie National Forest.  It was here that the first stranger came up to ask about Farley and tell us her story about camping out in a VW van on the streets of Paris when she was younger.

Sun setting in Red Canyon.

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