Thursday, July 31, 2014

Farley Hits the Pac Northwest, Day 3 -- Downtown Seattle

Today was pretty much a rest day for Farley.  We met my Aunt Karen and Uncle Dick for breakfast.  They spend their winters in Phoenix and were kind and generous enough to drive to Tucson to be our “eyes” and check out Farley before we bought him.  We offered to pay for their gas and meals but once all was said and done, they refused our money.  They instead asked us to take them out the next time we were in the same place at the same time.  They’re in Seattle for the summer so we gladly repaid them with breakfast.

We spent the rest of the day in Seattle.  Dick had told us you could take the light rail from Tukwila to downtown for just $5.50 round trip.  What a convenient way to avoid the traffic and parking!  I love independent newsweeklies, so I’d picked up both the Stranger and the Seattle Weekly the day before.  I read them on the way up and discovered that today was Dragon Fest in the International  District, with a $2 Food Walk in which the Asian restaurants offered small samples of their menu items  We got off the train at that stop and shared several samples and wandered through the vendor area.

Dragon Fest dancers.

We then headed toward the waterfront, passing the Klondike National Historic Park along the way.  I love tours given by National Park rangers, and there was one 10 minutes away, so we looked at the displays (and got a passport stamp!) and then joined a man from Thailand and a woman from Argentina for the tour.  We wandered around Pioneer Square and learned about Seattle and gold rush history.  The tour guide gave us coupons for discounted food and drinks in the area, so we headed to the J & M Café for a beer.   We then took the train back to Tukwila and joined Marc’s parents at an Asian buffet for dinner.

Am I worth my weight in gold?

Smith Tower in Downtown
Seattle celebrates its 100th anniversary
this year.

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