Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Waking up in a Van

On Thursday, May 29, we woke up to the calming sound of heavy interstate traffic.  We'd found a spot on BLM land in the dark, and just pulled over and popped the top up.  Who knew what seemed so deserted could turn out to be so loud?

Farley's first camp-out.
We made coffee and headed out to take on the day. A few hours down the road, we stopped at Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument National Park (passport stamp!) to eat breakfast.

Marc, enjoying instant mocha and instant oatmeal.
Our intention was to visit Zion and Bryce Canyon national parks on the way home.  But when we passed the sign for the Grand Canyon, and it was less than 30 miles out of the way, we had to add it to the list.  And the passport.

View from the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.

The historic lookout on the North Rim.

Marc, checking out the view for 25c.

Our next touristy stop was at the Arizona-Utah border in Page. After checking out the Glen Canyon Dam visitors' center (and, of course, getting a passport stamp), we hiked to the Weeping Wall.

Possibly the only cool place in Page, Arizona,
on the day we were there.
We then headed on toward Zion.  The park campgrounds were full, but the ranger at the entrance recommended a hippie campground just a few miles back.  Showers were included in the $20 price tag. Sweeney!  We were set.

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