Saturday, April 16, 2016

Farley Heads for the Desert, Day 14: And, Back to Albuquerque

This weather is bullshit.  We woke up to rain that made us feel like we were back in Seattle.  A quick search of Albuquerque events for the day let us know that the farmers' market was opening for the first week of the season and it was half-price day at the zoo.  The zoo was packed.  But, on the plus side, families were very polite.  We both noticed in northern Arizona and northern New Mexico, everyone seems to be very polite.

Seriously, bullshit weather.

Marc finally bought a souvenir:
Stuff to make green chili at home!

We've all had days like this.

Not quite the wingspan of a condor.

After the zoo, we visited the New Mexico Holocaust and Intolerance Museum downtown.  It's by donation only, with displays on not only the Holocaust, but several different examples of ethnic cleansing throughout history.

Then, maybe we had to hit Golden Crown Bakery for more bizcochito for the road.  Again, they gave us a free one while we were in line.  We bought another six to go. It's becoming a habit.

We continued on to Winslow, Arizona, and camped a state park on a creek. We got there in the dark with no idea where anything was so just found a spot and crashed for the night.

Not bad for finding it in the dark.

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