Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Farley HIts the Desert Southwest, Day 10: I Made It Through the Rain

We left the lovely Pima County Fairgrounds this morning, noticing an "RV park closed due to fair" sign on the way out.  Oops.  Carnies only, apparently.

As we continued on through New Mexico, we hit a storm that forced everyone, semi-trucks included, off the interstate until they might be able to see again. The kind that Barry Manilow must've been sitting through when he wrote, "I made it through the rain."

We stopped in Las Cruces, New Mexico, which I thought would be a delightful town full of colorful historic houses, based on the AAA guidebook description.  AAA was wrong.  I was wrong.  I love pretty much every city and town I visit.  This was not the case with Las Cruces.  I tried.  I really tried.  Not even the special local pecan beer buoyed my spirits about the place.

Can you guess whose is whose?

Redeeming little ceramic murals on a Las Cruces home.
Not even a funky flavored beer made me like this town.

It was like Mecca.
BLM sunset.  YOU can't smell the slight sewage smell.
We continued on to north of the White Sand Dunes National Monument area, where we staked out a free BLM spot.  As soon as this sunset ended, the jets from the nearby Air Force base started up their night-time sound explosions.

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